Saturday, September 3, 2011

Water Bottle Wars

This is a light situation to get us started.

Okay, I live in a crappy apartment where the heavy scent of pot and stale beer greets you when you open the building’s door each day. I have some questionable neighbors, at best, and some terrible landlords, the understatement of this century. Well, since I moved in 4 months ago, the management has changed 3 times. This ultimately means that the housekeeping gal abandoned this sinking ship and I have horrendously dirty, bug-grave-yard, community halls.

A week ago, one of my neighbors dropped an empty water bottle in the hall. I generally ignored it till two days ago when it was squarely in front of my door. “Oh, hell no!” are the word I believe I uttered as I impulsively kicked the bottle down the hall in front of the, I assume, offenders door. (The owner of the door has bratty kids and they always leave trash in the hallway.)

Okay, I was still looking at the bottle when I finally pushed my Id back far enough to reason. I actually thought to myself, “Wow, this has been in the hall for a week. Obviously no one is going to pick it up; it will just keep getting kicked back and forth.” Instead of picking up this bottle and throwing it away like a mature adult, I shrugged and left it there.

It is still in the hallway today.

One to five on the naughty scale? And, should I continue to leave it there?

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