Howdy bloggers! I work at a university in the student services department and mostly love my job. Don’t love the TERRIBLE pay and hours though. The campus director approached me about a job that would give me normal hours and a $7,000 min pay raise. Uh, Heck yea!
Well, because I had not been working a full year yet there was some HR fiasco and it took over a month before the actual interview. During that time, 3 people had been hired into that dept and one of the people from my own dept quit. I was now tasked with all of this person’s duties (which no one else in my dept was capable of doing… Can you guess where this is going?)
Anyway, interview day came and I bombed the interview. I have no idea what happened!?!?! Really, Jennifer… Interview EPIC FAIL. So, pair all of those things together and I did not get the job. Okay, so here we are, there is no hope that a position will come open soon at my current job which means I’m stuck with the God awful shift and pay for another year at least.
I’m now casually looking for other jobs. I want to work as an administrator with non-profits and with youth. Here is the problem: I have assured my leadership team that I am fine and am excited to keep after my current job. “I look forward to applying again when the opportunity comes up.”
I know that saying the truth is definitely a bad idea but they put me in a position where I had to give this feedback…
Naughty Scale… Lying to your boss, 1-5?
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