Sunday, September 4, 2011

Poor Puppies

I have a terrible habit of never saying “No” when I should. Last week was no different. My boss, who I generally like, was going out of two for a week. He asked me to watch his two horses, I mean Great Danes. Of course, I said yes even though I had wonderful plans of doing nothing over my holiday weekend. Did I mention that my boss lives on the other side of town?!

Anyway, I have been dutifully letting the dogs out 2-3 times a day. That is, till yesterday. I had gone over in the early afternoon and spent about 4 hours at the house, playing with the dogs, eating some delicious Chinese food I picked up on the way over, and watching TV. I let them out twice and planned to come back before I went to bed.

Instead… My boyfriend called me up and we had date night. I had a few drinks with dinner and that was it. After a long day, a delicious meal, and good company, I was spent. I just wanted to get into bed and sleep, sleep, sleep. And that is what I did. I did not go back over and let the dogs out again. Instead I woke up extra early and let them out in the morning.

On the Naughty Scale, one to five? The picture is of my dog sitting next to one of the great danes- crazy right?

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