Monday, September 26, 2011


At work there is a security guard who I have to interact with regularly. He is socially awkward, at best. Unfortunately, he never learned good ways to interact with others and, I’m sure, had a difficult life because of this.

Now generally I’m pretty understanding and don’t mind helping these folks practice, through positive and negative reinforcement, appropriate behaviors. Can you tell yet that I am a Psychology major?

Anyway, I have tried to push down the eye rolling and grimaces while interacting with this guy but it keep getting harder and harder. He has moved from just awkward to rude occasionally as well. I’m not sure that he know he is being rude though… So, while not with him, I have taken to calling him Erkel. Harsh, but pretty accurate (pants and all.) Well, this nick name has kinda taken root with the other staff and now he is generally referred to as Erkel now.

Woops! I think this mean spirited nickname may fall under bullying. Damn it! I HATE bullies! Even knowing this, I still can’t seem to stop calling him Erkel. It has turned into my way of venting about him.

Naughty Scale, 1-5. How terrible am I for continuing to call him that? Should I stop or keep this venting tool so I can tolerate him while face-to-face?

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